Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Cold Reality of Fear

Some recent experiences have caused me to think some about the times leading up to Christ's return and our preparation now. In one experience, I was driving on relatively safe winter roads when I encountered some dangerous, ice-covered bridges; seven or so in a row. After realizing that the first bridge wasn't safe, I continued to slow down over each successive bridge and came to realize that I had no control over my car on any of them. The whole time there were cars and trucks strewn all over the shoulders of the road or wrecked on the bridge railings. By the last 2-3 bridges, I had built up a lot of fear and was no longer thinking, but merely reacting. I was in another situation involving road rage only two weeks later and had similar results. There was no time to think, only react and do everything that my experience told me to do in that situation, right or wrong.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to watch it or not, but Tom Cruise's movie War of the Worlds sent chills up my spine when I saw masses of people running for their lives and doing anything it took to escape the invading alien forces. People murdering each other just to steal a minivan, children and adults alike only able to scream and run or stand and stare in horror. There was no trace of rational thought and no one was really able to flee the powerful army. It struck me that this could be a representative picture of the coming tribulation and Day of the Lord that will soon be upon the whole world.

When we have control over our minds, humans are capable of so much. We can dream, plan, grow and build. We can act and behave any way we want. We can even convince ourselves to overcome just as we can act convincingly that we are someone we may not be. However, when we lose control over our minds from fear or sudden change of situation, we are reduced to our basest thoughts and actions.

I believe this is one major reason why it's so important to study God's Word, to meditate on it day and night, and why we must regularly put it into action. On those icy roads, had I been a 16-year old from a warmer state, it's quite possible I would have ended up with a busted front bumper or in the median. But years of experience driving on icy roads (as well as God watching my back) taught me not to overcorrect my steering, to not quickly brake or accelerate, etc. Those were my "instincts", so to speak.

Similarly, what kind of faith, knowledge, wisdom, character and habits we form today may very well be ultimately tested in the biggest trials to come to mankind. Make no mistake, we will have some part in tests and trials leading up to the Great Tribulation. The first 4-5 Seals of Revelation will most likely be opened during our lifetimes where we live, much in the same way that the Israelites were allowed to experience the first several plagues on Egypt. And at the same time of greater stress on this world, there will be powerful signs from false ministers. Matt. 24:24 - "For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders; so much so that, if it were possible, they would deceive even the elect."

One way that the elect will be deceived is by not being prepared mentally or spiritually for such a situation. How could we possibly prepare for what's described as the worst time in human history in which there can be no precedent? Well, put simply, God tells us to surrender our will to Him, do as He instructs and grow in grace, knowledge and character. We must do this until it is firmly ingrained in our brains and habitual. Then and only then will He see us through it.

Ask yourself: What words come out of my mouth when I hit my thumb with a hammer or stub my toe? What transpires in my mind when someone really ticks me off? What do I say or think about others when they're not around? How about my boss or minister? Do I secretly or publicly sin and can't stop? What makes me think that I will somehow magically change when fear takes over? Quite frankly, if we can barely hide these things under normal conditions when mustering all our self-control, we will most definitely revert to our true nature when this world is falling apart around us.

(As a side note, this is why I've been harping so much about government lately. Many believe that they can ridicule or ignore God's ministry and human leaders and yet still fully submit to Christ when He returns. This is false reasoning simply because Christ is using mankind's governments today to test our willingness to grow in submission and servant leadership. "Why do you say 'Lord, Lord' and do not the things which I say?" This is similar to watching how your date treats your waiter in order to determine how she treats people in general, including you. Following the same premise of habit-forming, it is wise to practice the same form of government in the Church that Christ will set up in God's Kingdom rather than being led by our own will or electing others, essentially giving them our own permission, to lead us.)

I approach things from this angle only to show that it will be extremely difficult to enter God's Kingdom. As Mr. Reynolds once said in a sermon, "Gaining entrance into the Kingdom of God is not as easy as falling off a log." Understated, but well put. Similarly, only in-depth Bible study, fervent prayer, regular fasting and deep meditation on God's ways, will and Law, followed by real action, will train our brain to react correctly when under great duress, as well as normal, everyday situations. Not doing these things... well, we probably won't be as wise and brave as we'd like to think. To know where you currently stand, analyze how well you handled your last real trial, not just what you learned from it.

For an example of how meditation can permanently change how we do things, note what religious and medical folks are learning about the brain. An interesting article in Newsweek discusses the Dalai Lama's "interest in neuroscience. A few years ago the Dalai Lama was visiting an American medical school and watched a brain operation. Afterwards, he chatted with the surgeon, telling him how his scientist friends had patiently explained to him that all of our thoughts, feelings, memories, dreams and other mental activities are the products of electrical and chemical activity in the brain. But he had always wondered something, the Dalai Lama told the surgeon. If electricity and chemistry can produce thoughts and all the rest, can thoughts act back on the physical stuff of the brain to change its chemical, electrical and other physical properties?"

Back then, the surgeon said no. "The brain produces and shapes mental activity, the brain surgeon said; mental activity does not alter the brain." However, today, scientists think otherwise. Repeated experience, thought and meditation about a particular activity causes the brain to persist in that activity even when not actively meditating or thinking about it. For example, thousands of hours of meditation for having compassion on the entire world leads Tibetan monks to "an enduring change in the brain which persist even when the brain is not meditating: it looks as if thousands of hours of meditation ramps up activity in the brain's empathy region, and keeps it ramped up even when you are not engaged in meditation." In other words, it's always primed and ready for empathy and compassion. It's one of their brain's first reaction to any stimuli.

Similarly, if we regularly study, meditate and act on God's Word, our brain will be ramped up and trained to react to every situation with righteous character rather than our selfish, sinful way. Consider it strength training, for it really is. Our mind will learn to filter out the trash that this world produces and see it for what it truly is. If we mimmick King David's meditations in Psalm 119, we may one day also be a "man after God's own heart". All tests and trials in our lives both help us to see problems with our current path as well as gauge how well we're letting Christ live in us. Would I react to my sins like King David did in Psalm 51? Sometimes these trials can catch us completely off guard and we get a glimpse into how we might react to an awful crisis of the worst kind, the kind coming soon.

Habitually practicing and learning God's way will create godliness, virtue, righteous character and faith that will see us through future trials. I take these two scriptures very seriously: Rev. 6:17: "For the great day of His wrath has come, who shall be able to stand?" and Luke 18:7-8: "And shall not God avenge His own elect who cry day and night to Him, though He has been long-suffering over them? I say to you that He will avenge them speedily. Yet when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?" There's a lot of hesitation in those two passages. If we aren't trying to overcome day and night, we may very well stumble in the time leading up to the Day of Wrath if we revert to our carnal nature, at least to the amount we still have.

I learned through my recent experiences that fear and trembling can truly expose my true character and heart. Obviously, the same can be said through the humble and respectful awe we have towards our God when we fear and tremble at His Word.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

King David Lineage Strikes Again?

Well, if that old WWCG theory about how English kings and US presidents are direct descendants of King David is true, I have potentially bad news for you. According to an Associated Press article, Barack Obama has quite a number of US Presidents in his lineage, more so than Hillary Clinton or John McCain. This could mean nothing, but who knows?

Obama has a prolific presidential lineage that features Democrats and
Republicans. His distant cousins include President George W. Bush and his
father, George H.W. Bush, Gerald Ford, Lyndon Johnson, Harry S. Truman and James Madison. Other Obama cousins include Vice President Dick Cheney, British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill and Civil War General Robert E. Lee.

Possible Prophecy Potential

I've heard about the Pope calling for inter-faith conferences before to discuss problems in the Middle East, but similar calls are now coming from Saudi Arabia! Seeing as how hard-line Saudi Arabia is on Islamic issues and that they're one of many nations still not diplomatic with Israel, this could be a huge development. It may one day bring a short-term peace to Jerusalem which could allow the Jews to begin sacrificing again. Keep watching...

Monday, March 24, 2008

Since It's an Election Year...

...Here's an old article by Dr. Hoeh about attitude towards government, especially concerning those in leadership roles. It's a bit long, but I feel it's air-tight in respect to how we view our newly-elected officials, or even dictators in other nations. Enjoy!

The Plain Truth - January, 1964

The Christian Attitude --
RESPECT Government Authority

How should you treat officials with whom you disagree? What are
your obligations, as a Christian, to the government under which
you live?

by Herman L. Hoeh

WHAT is your duty toward the government under which you live? Should you resist Supreme Court injunctions? What about "peaceful demonstrations" and "sit-ins"? Do you owe respect to officials with whom you may disagree? Should you pay taxes to political office-holders even when they abuse their high offices? Are officials responsible "to the people," or to God? Which?

What Does Scripture Say?

This generation has grown up in an atmosphere of utter disrespect toward authority. You see it everywhere -- both in the home and in public life. It's high time to realize there is a JUDGMENT coming. It does make a difference how you act toward those in authority. YOUR BIBLE explains the relationship of Christians to human governments. But how many of YOU know what it says?
Notice Romans 13:1-7: "LET EVERY SOUL BE SUBJECT unto the higher powers. For there is NO power but of God: the powers that be ARE ORDAINED OF GOD. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: AND THEY THAT RESIST SHALL RECEIVE TO THEMSELVES DAMNATION! This is not just Paul speaking. It is Jesus' directive to Christians for all time, for every generation. Notice it! "They that resist" -- those who refuse to submit to authority -- "shall receive to themselves damnation." That's not just the penalty for assassination or for murdering a policeman who is protecting the peace. That's the penalty for ANY who RESIST constituted authority. That's the awful judgment God renders on those who incite civil strife, or who create incidents by so-called "peaceful demonstrations" or "sit-ins" or bombings of churches and schools.

Continuing: "For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: for he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. WHEREFORE YE MUST NEEDS BE SUBJECT, not only for wrath, but
also for conscience sake. For this cause PAY YE TRIBUTE ALSO: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. RENDER THEREFORE TO ALL THEIR DUES: TRIBUTE TO WHOM TRIBUTE IS DUE; CUSTOM TO WHOM CUSTOM; FEAR TO WHOM FEAR; HONOR TO WHOM HONOR.
Instead of preaching this truth from the Bible, most ministers preach their own words about "getting out the vote," or "supporting a Christian candidate." "It is your duty," they say.
This is not what Jesus or the apostles taught. The REAL Christian duty is NOT to mix with political affairs of this world, but to be subject to authorities -- to show RESPECT for
those in public office. You are to be SEPARATE FROM the world, although living decently and respectfully in it (John 17:15, 16). The time to CHANGE this world is at the coming of Christ. And it will take Christ to do it.

Does Government Authority Come from the People?

Government authority and power are ORDAINED OF GOD. They are not derived "from the consent of the governed" -- the people. Your Bible says so! "There is NO authority but of God." "The authorities that exist are ordained of God." Human beings seem to reason that because men may be elected or appointed or may seize power, that their only authority proceeds from the people that supported them. And the people like to have it so because it puts the people IN THE PLACE OF GOD! This is an age when men don't want to acknowledge the God
who rules in earthly affairs. The clergy is failing to preach the truth. Almost everyone is as ignorant of this power as was Pontius Pilate. Jesus had to tell Pilate that the authority
vested in him came from the Almighty. Notice that Pilate reasoned just like people today: "Then
saith Pilate unto him, Speaketh thou not unto me? knowest thou not that I HAVE POWER to crucify thee, and have power to release thee?" Jesus answered, "Thou couldest have no power at all against me, EXCEPT IT WERE GIVEN THEE FROM ABOVE" (John 19:10-11). Since all authority is ordained of, or allowed by, God, we are to be SUBJECT to human governments. In respecting that authority, we are showing respect to God. Anyone WHO RESISTS THE
AUTHORITY OF HUMAN GOVERNMENTS IS ACTUALLY REBELLING AGAINST GOD WHO ORDAINS THAT AUTHORITY. This applies not only to CIVIL authorities, but equally as well to any person in a position of authority, whether a school teacher or a foreman in a factory.

Thinking Up an Excuse

It is only human nature for people to think of an excuse to rebel against God. It doesn't matter how evil men in office may be. It is GOD who will judge them! God ordained rulers to punish evil works and protect the obedient. Even though officials may be elected or appointed by the people, THEY ARE ACCOUNTABLE ONLY TO GOD WHO PERMITS THEM TO EXERCISE AUTHORITY. Persons in responsible positions may fail to properly fulfill the responsibilities of their offices -- to punish wrong deeds and preserve order. They may even in some cases corrupt the government. But as long as God permits them to be in authority and to remain in office, you are commanded to REMAIN in subjection to the divinely ordained authority which they hold.
You pay respect to God when you respect men who hold office by God's permission and authority. Since it is God who sets men in office, it is HIS responsibility to remove them. One who does violence to public office -- or one who approves such an act -- is trying to steal God's authority as supreme ruler. It is so hard for human beings to conceive this principle because nearly everyone has been deceived from childhood into believing God has nothing whatsoever to do with the civil governments of this world. Perhaps you were never told that THE RIGHT TO EXERCISE AUTHORITY OVER HUMAN BEINGS IS SOLELY THE PREROGATIVE OF THE DIVINE CREATOR. Human beings do not inherently have the right or the ability to rule properly over fellow human beings. But God is a God of order, not confusion. Since men won't
submit to His own government and laws, He has given permission IN THIS AGE, before the return of Jesus Christ, that men may exercise authority in all phases of life.

Example of Saul and David

Human beings in authority sometimes serve themselves and the devil, but the OFFICE is ORDAINED OF GOD! You honor the person BECAUSE OF THE OFFICE which he holds, even when his deeds may be evil. Consider the case of Saul and David. King Saul obtained his
position from God, as do all rulers. Saul was disobedient to the Eternal and David knew it. Did David therefore rebel and seek to organize the people to remove him from office?
No, he did not -- not even after God had chosen and anointed him to replace Saul as king. Instead, David said this: "The Lord shall smite him; or his day shall come to die; or he shall
descend into battle and perish. The Eternal forbid that I should stretch forth mine hand against the Eternal's anointed" (I Sam. 26:9-11).

Notice that David recognized the fact that it is GOD'S RIGHT to put persons out of office. It could not be the people's right since the people have never been given the right in God's sight
to put such men INTO office in the first place. David respected and honored and submitted to the office which Saul exercised. He left it in GOD'S hands to remove him from office AT THE APPOINTED TIME! Christians must do the same.

Nebuchadnezzar had to learn this truth, and it took him seven grueling years. He finally admitted after gaining his sanity that "the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever He will, and setteth up over it the BASEST OF MEN (Daniel 4:17; 2:21).
Even if God decides to place in office the least capable and the basest men -- because of the sins of the people -- who are we to condemn the wise judgment of God? AND STRANGE AS IT MAY BE, SOMETIMES THE PEOPLE, IN THEIR ATTEMPT TO MAKE THEMSELVES WISER
THAN GOD, ELECT THE LEAST CAPABLE MAN, WHICH IS ACCORDING TO THE PLANNED FOREKNOWLEDGE OF THE ETERNAL GOD. God never approves corruption or abuses by office-holders. But it is God, not you, who will judge them. Your obligation is

Is Submission Always Obedience?

There are certain powerful churches, particularly in Europe, but also in America, which teach that human government is not only of divine origin, but that respect for authority and
submission to officialdom means TOTAL OBEDIENCE TO LEADERS and even dictators.
This teaching is absolutely FALSE! Jesus' words in Matthew 23:2-4 are quoted to support this
terrible error. In speaking to the multitude and the disciples, Jesus said: "The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat: ALL therefore WHATSOEVER they bid you observe, that observe and do ..." It is at this point that these denominations stop quoting the words of Jesus to give the impression that you must obey everything that a person in authority commands. But what did Jesus continue to say? "But do NOT ye after their works: for they say, and do not." There it is. Those Jewish religious leaders taught part of the truth, but they themselves were not obeying the truth. Therefore Jesus had to instruct the people that the RELIGIOUS AUTHORITY of the scribes and Pharisees must be respected. They were to observe whatever truth was preached, but they were NOT TO FOLLOW THE ERROR.

In Acts 4:19 you are given the true Bible definition of "submission." The disciples had just been commanded to DISOBEY God. What did they say to the authorities? That OBEDIENCE to God
is more important than obedience to men. Notice, however, that the apostles did not resist them. They SUBMITTED to the PENALTY imposed by their accusers (Acts 5:40).

Thus you have the true relationship that should exist between every Christian and the human government under which he lives. You are to honor and respect authority and SUBMIT TO EVERY ORDINANCE OF MAN. ONLY when obedience to human rules and regulations would violate the laws of God should you steadfastly decline to obey. But even then YOU MUST RESPECTFULLY SUBMIT TO THE PENALTY. So said the apostle Peter.

What Peter Commanded

The apostle Peter recognized the importance of Christians' relationships to human government. He had the courage to preach the truth. Here is what he said: "SUBMIT YOURSELVES TO EVERY ORDINANCE OF MAN FOR THE LORD'S SAKE: whether it be to the king, as supreme; or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. FOR SO IS THE WILL OF GOD ... Honor all men. Love the
brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king" (I Pet. 2:13-17). Take careful note of his wording. "Submit yourselves to every ordinance." Peter did NOT say, "OBEY every ordinance." Of
course not, He knew that many human regulations are wrong. God expects all Christians to obey human regulation whenever and wherever possible, and always submit to the penalty in case
obedience to human law would be sin. We should never rebel or use violence even if we know human governments are making wrong decisions.

Christians are to be examples of submission to government regulations, no matter how childish or absurd some stipulations may be. "Be subject to principalities and powers ... to be ready to every good work, to speak evil of NO man" (Titus 3:1, 2).

Is It Wrong Even to Speak Evil of Officials?

It is a common practice for people to resist government regulations and to accuse office-holders, whether the President or the corner policeman. This supposed "right" of the people is
abominably misused. There is a righteous limit to the "freedom" of speech. The Bible sets that limit by commanding you to refrain from speaking evil of dignitaries. Solomon said you are not to curse officials even in your thoughts (Ecc. 10:20).

It is reproachful to Christ as well as a dishonor to His authority for Christians to hurl or to repeat NEEDLESS ACCUSATIONS against rulers. This, of course, does not mean that you can't say anything about a man's mistakes. Rather it means that no gossip or misrepresentation of facts which damage a person's character or prestige is to be repeated.

Christians should not fight the government in its own courts as certain deceived religious sects sometimes do. Rather submit, and patiently pray for God to change the circumstances according
to His will. Most Christians ought to pray more earnestly that their minds and hearts would be free from slanderous thoughts, NO MATTER HOW MUCH THE PERSON SEEMS TO DESERVE THEM. The righteous Michael the archangel even refused to accuse Satan. He calmly said, "The Lord rebuke thee." Only the UNGODLY dig up evil to throw needlessly at their enemies (Prov. 16:27).

There is also another important point which has often been overlooked. In Romans 13:4, you read that Christians are to "be afraid" of government power, if they have committed evil. Yet
Jesus taught us not to fear man, but rather fear God (Luke 12:5). How can you reconcile these verses? By the fact that Christians are NOT actually to be afraid of the men in office, but rather "OF THE POWER" which they wield by God's permission. You fear their authority because they are the servants or revengers of God to curb crime. In reality, then, you are only fearing the power of God who gave this authority to rulers. When you do good, you "may boldly say, 'The Lord is my helper, and I will NOT fear what MAN shall do unto me"' (Hebrews 13:6).

Is the Payment of Taxes Necessary?

Now comes an often-misunderstood part of this vital message. Should you pay taxes if you are a Christian? If so, why? Paul said that Christians MUST PAY TAXES, CUSTOM DUTIES AND
TRIBUTE to those in authority. Why? "For they are God's ministers," His servants, "attending continually upon this very thing." It is their job, their work to regulate society and to punish crime. Government costs money. Officials are worthy of their hire. Because of covetousness, especially when income tax or land tax bills appear, some seize upon the words of Jesus in Matthew 17:24-27 as an excuse for failure to pay taxes. Notice what Jesus really said: Christians, being free and heirs of the Kingdom of God, should not be required to pay tribute to a FOREIGN government, "notwithstanding, lest we should offend them ... give unto them" the tax. Yes, Christ commands you, just as Paul did, to pay taxes. And you should not pay them grudgingly, either. It is the right of leaders to receive remuneration for their duty. But what if
officials are not performing their duty properly or are squandering tax money for private ambition? Are you still to pay taxes? Certainly. You are not the one to judge whether he is worthy of his hire. As long as any person is in office, you are to honor that office by submitting to it. It is so easy to forget that human beings are not the judges of one another -- that God is the
Judge. Officials are not responsible to the people but to God. Your responsibility ceases once you have honestly paid the tax or the duty. It is the official's responsibility to see that he properly administers the money.

Although this is the day of exorbitantly high government costs and subsequent high taxation, you should never fear that God may fail to provide the amount necessary to conform to state,
Federal or local laws. Jesus provided Peter with the extra tribute money beyond the normal increase (Matt. 17:24-27).

Prayer for Officials

In the days of the Roman Empire, when Jesus was training his disciples, it was the custom of the government to COMPEL PEOPLE TO CARRY MAIL and goods belonging to the Empire. Jesus referred to this forced practice when he said, "Whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain" (Matthew 5:41). Notice that Jesus taught submission, not resistance.

Today the government does not compel its citizens to bear this responsibility. How thankful are you for this fact? It is so easy to forget the benefits of an ordered society -- the postal service, and the various agencies of protection, to name a few. So easy to neglect Paul's admonition that supplications, prayers, intercessions, AND GIVING OF THANKS, be made for all men: for kings, and FOR ALL THAT ARE IN AUTHORITY; that we may lead a life in godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour (I Timothy 2:1-3).

God has established earthly governments TO KEEP ORDER until His Kingdom comes. It is your commanded duty to submit to their authority patiently, excusing the obvious faults inherent in
human leadership. No HUMAN government can be perfect. It may even be required of you by God to suffer unjustly when you have to obey God rather than man. But you must submit to that penalty. All human history is a record of the tragedy of human governments which God is about to replace by sending Jesus Christ to establish the Kingdom of God and bring us peace and security. Let's pray for that day!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Another Shocker

'Tis better to give than to receive?? Surely not! "New research reveals that when individuals dole out money for gifts for friends or charitable donations, they get a boost in happiness while those who spend on themselves get no such cheery lift." I wonder if giving does even more than tingle the happiness nerves? Perhaps more research needs to be done...

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Nice guys DO finish first!! W00t! Maybe this "God" character knows what He's talking about after all!! (My philosophy professor once argued with me about how the Christian faith was "impractical"... "Turn the other cheek? Okay, how many times? You'll be miserable and lose everything you have if you let people continue to punish and take from you!")

Monday, March 17, 2008

Pet Doctrine Obedience School

One thing that almost every person in the Church of God has in common is the fact that we all have certain pet doctrines. I have two: one is a pomeranian and the other is a ferret, figuratively speaking. They may appear all cute and cuddly, but don't get too close... They bite.

Seriously, I've heard all kinds of pet doctrines over the years. Some are just personal beliefs that are more theory than theology. Others cause complete disruption in the Church. And of course, there are all colors, shapes and sizes in between. They're breeded and custom fit for your way of thinking and your personal experiences. Need some examples?

  • The atmosphere was a fine mist around the earth that blocked harmful UV rays that allowed man to live 900+ years. It caused the Flood. Or...
  • Mankind had much of the same technology we do today at the Tower of Babel, and that's why God gave them over to different languages, so we wouldn't genetically engineer ourselves into super beings. Or...
  • Conspiracies are real! Or...
  • The correct understanding on the calendar is... [insert pet doctrine here]. Or...
  • Views on new moons, make up, eating out on the Sabbath, reading other church's material, how to keep the Sabbath, how to count Pentecost, what the gospel is, what the Work of God is, what kind of government is best today, who's the end-time Elijah, when is Christ returning, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera (there's that Latin in italics again).
Did I hit one of yours? Some pet doctrines are completely provable. Some are disprovable. Some are interesting thoeries. Some are nice thoughts and good suggestions. Some are working toward the right direction, but are part of a larger spiritual understanding yet to be discovered.

This post is not written because of, or for, any one individual out there (you're so vain... :-D). It affects most everyone in God's Church, including several of my friends and family, as well as myself. Pet doctrines have been at the center of sharp divisions since the apostle's time; since humans have lived, really. People attending the same group can have wildly differing views on subjects thought to be well understood. Others know they don't agree with their group's doctrines on a subject, but they "go along" knowing that one day "they'll see it God's way [MY way]." So what can we do about these pet doctrines?

Identify Pet Doctrines

I think, first, we must identify which of our beliefs are pet doctrines. Do we believe the same as CLEAR and PROVABLE teachings of the Bible, the Church, our minister or our fellow members? Regular Bible study and fellowship about godly principles will help you see where you're in agreement with God's Church. If you find yourself not agreeing with a church doctrine, or part of the sermon, talk with your minister about it. Make sure it isn't just a misunderstanding on your part. If you are still in disagreement, then dig deeper, seek more counsel and pray for understanding and a teachable spirit.

The Church of God is to live a separate way of life than the world (in the world, not of the world). However, the feeing of joy/pain associated with separating from the world for a righteous calling and purpose can lead some to feel that any separation from a majority position to one of the minority justifies that their own thinking is more righteous than others around. This can become a vicious cycle leading to stay-at-home churches. "My wife and I are still in agreement, but I'm starting to wonder about her, too." Granted, just because a majority believes something doesn't make it true, as is the case with the world. However, "in the multitude of [wise, righteous] counselors [led by the Holy Spirit, shown by their obvious fruits,] there is safety." Loners are rarely right, either, nor is being alone healthy for growing in grace and knowledge. Even finding others who agree with your pet doctrine isn't a guarantee, for "if the blind lead the blind, they will both fall into the ditch."

Are your ideas firmly attached to the "trunk of the tree", or are they limbs and leaves? Are they vital for salvation, or are they just interesting side points? Will people enter into God's Kingdom without your understanding on a doctrine? Do they regularly cause problems with the ministry or other members?

Put It To The Test

Another vital step is to test our pet doctrines. It's really not a bad idea throughout your lifetime to subject every one of your beliefs to an intense proof study from time to time. After all, if they're correct, what do you have to lose? Pride? We should all be getting rid of that nasty characteristic.

For fact-based beliefs, it doesn't hurt to bounce ideas off of experienced members who know their Bibles well. Also, get the history and context behind the verses you're using. Prove it from multiple sources. Don't use the most obscure Greek word that happens to fit your idea. If possible, ask a Greek or Hebrew scholar who doesn't have a religious agenda to interpret. Be willing to say, it may not be totally provable until Christ explains it to us. II Tim. 2:14-16 - "Put them in memory of these things, charging them before the Lord not to dispute about words to no profit, to the subverting of the hearers. Study earnestly to present yourself approved to God, a workman that does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. But shun profane, vain babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness." Do your babblings, er, I mean, ideas increase ungodliness, that is, Satanic confusion?

For faith-based beliefs, use this simple scripture: "Test (or prove) all things. Hold fast to that which is good." Get rid of what isn't helpful or good. In other words, DO it. Test your belief by acting on it. Don't just keep vocalizing it ad nauseam. I John 3:18 - "My children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth." And I John 2:3 - "And hereby we know that we know Him if we keep His commandments." Don't shrug off God's people who don't agree with you by labeling them as "weak", ala I Cor. 8. Rather, suffer them, as the rest of the scripture says. Live and let live. If your tested belief works well repeatedly, then let your example show it. Let the fruits of such faith shine through. It may take months or years for others to notice, but it's far better proof if someone sees your example and grasps it because they've "experienced" it. But be honest with yourself if it doesn't produce the fruit of righteousness. v19-20: "And in this we shall know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before Him, that if our heart accuses us, God is greater than our heart and knows all things." God will show us if we are wrong, too, if we are listening carefully and praying for His will to be done. Humility is vital -- are you proving YOUR point or God's?

How Does Your Attitude Affect Others?

One must analyze whether their pet doctrine is a confident labrador, a quivering chihuahua or a growling, biting rottweiler. Has your belief on a subject caused fierce division even among those who taught you? Are you afraid to share your idea with others in fear of ridicule? We should always seek the truth, regardless of how it makes us look. God's Word always leads to a better life, right? "All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose." I John 2:3 stated above says to "know that you know" God's ways. Be confident in your beliefs, but they should also edify and encourage others.

God's ways ultimately cause unity, not division. Even if your pet doctrine is God's doctrine, God surely doesn't want you misrepresenting Him by acting like a pompous jerk in presenting it. Phil. 1:15-16 - "Some indeed even preach Christ because of envy and strife, and some also of good will. Those, indeed, preach Christ out of contention, not sincerely..." Even though Paul rejoices that the gospel is being preached, I'm sure he would have rather not had to defend it because of those individuals' attitudes, as he states, "...supposing to add affliction to my bonds." Paul was imprisoned for his teachings, yet did not strive with his captors. There is a difference. Being disfellowshipped is not righteous suffering. More than likely, someone who was cast out of the Church was striving and causing division rather than "the leaders not admitting that a lay-member was right."

Remember, it took decades before Mr. Armstrong changed his position on counting Pentecost. But he did recognize his error. Are you willing to wait? As long as gross sin or apostacy is not being committed, is it really worth leaving over? Is the present course going to cost the Church its salvation, or are you just personally hurt by being slighted for the moment? Did a minister or authority figure step on your toes?

Rather, discussing your beliefs with loving, gentle patience will help your point be made. Every adult and child would rather feel that they are being taught for their own well-being rather than their correction, even though they may be one in the same. However, when it is felt that someone is merely being contentious and vain, it becomes easy to tune out. (The Author recognizes that he has been tuned out many times before, too. He is trying to be less preachy... Honest!) Rebuke may be necessary at times, but ask yourself, "Am I the one that really should be doing the chastizing? Is this individual even ready to hear this right now? Will they accept it in their current level of understanding?" Again, does the presentation of our ideas cause strife with others? Is our attitude divisive?

And always remember, it's okay to agree to disagree with people. Some people just won't see it your way for now. There may be a difference in personal interpretation or life experiences. It's better to still have a open, loving relationship with your brethren rather than being seen as one always stirring up trouble or never letting something die. Are you going to have more success as a saint being right or being patient and allowing people to see the Truth in time? Again, if no one sees it your way, take another step back and re-evaluate. Ask for help doing so. Being humble and honest with yourself is hard when you're right all the time, I know. :)

Partial Truth

As most of us already know, God's word is layered with a lot of depth, which is why we are instructed to continue to study it regularly. We do this to remember basic doctrines and to keep our understanding in perspective, but we also study to apply our most recent life experiences to God's word. I have found that my perspective as a teenager was different than when I became employed, or when I became married, or now that I have a son. Surely those who have experienced 50+ years in the Church will have much more understanding than that.

Someone who is new to a subject may have only uncovered a little of the complete picture of the rich spiritual meaning contained therein. Here is a silly example of this: One may say, "We should study our Bible on the Sabbath." Yes, but we can also fellowship, too. "NO! We must STUDY! You're doing your own pleasure!" Hopefully no one has encountered this particular argument, but similar, narrow-minded viewpoints have been made on a variety of subjects. An individual is not narrow-minded because they are simply unaware of subject matter, but if they are unwilling to hear and contemplate new or differing understanding than their own. Mr. Smith made the analogy of an ant walking on the Mona Lisa. "This is all black right here where I'm standing." **Picks the ant up high above the painting** "Oooh, I didn't know all THAT was there!"

As good Bible students already know, study ALL relevant scriptures on a subject. By reading through the entire Bible regularly, you may run across something that wasn't found by using Strong's or a topical reference. Regular discussion with other faithful members will bring out perspectives that you may not have considered before. God created the Church with this purpose in mind. "Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

Let's Hear the Conclusion, Already!

Pay careful attention to each point Peter states just before his death to the entire Church: II Pet. 1:5-8 - "But also in this very thing, bringing in all diligence, filling out your faith with virtue [praiseworthy actions], and with virtue, [God's, not your own] knowledge; and with knowledge self-control [watch what you say and do], and with self-control, patience [allow people grow and understand at the rate God is leading them], and with patience, godliness [righteous and holy fruits will shine through], and with godliness, brotherly kindness [are you displaying gentleness and kindness, or are you divisive?], and with brotherly kindness, love [even shown to the world and your enemies?]. For if these things are in you and abound, they make you to be neither idle nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."

When we have pet doctrines, we must make sure that they are indeed God's truth. We must watch how we present these ideas. Even if our intentions are good, we must inspect the fruits of our attitude towards our pet doctrines. We must also inspect our attitude when others present their ideas to us. Amazing truth can come from anywhere. But so can junk. If you feel something is absolutely necessary for salvation, do it! "For he who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin." But allow your example shine to those who may not agree with you. And be willing to admit when your way didn't work and learn from that. Search for the entire truth on a subject... It will take a lifetime, and even then, we won't come close to what God knows.

God expects us to take the gift of Truth that He has given us and use it for the edification of others, not only for our own selves. If we isolate ourself from others because of our pet doctrines, we may become no different than the crazy cat lady down the street. However, if we "live peaceably with all men, as much as depends on you", we shall lie down with the Lamb in God's Kingdom.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Wars And/Or Rumors of Wars??

Gotta love those crazy dictators... er, democratically-elected leaders. Señor Chavez is posturing rather loudly with Ecuador playing along all while Colombia is protecting their people from a organization that has been terrorizing its people for 20+ years. You gotta love a name for a terror org like FARC 'cuz it's just screaming for a B action movie with Jean Claude Van Damme. This all seems like a similar setup to hairy situations the US was in while I was growing up... Granada, Panama, Noriega going crazy... It even harkens back to the Castro and Cuba, Viva La Revoluçion with Che Guervo, et al. It's been a while since South, Central or Caribbean America has blown up full scale into some kind of crisis that actually could have ramifications for the US. Venezuelan oil not only affects us (we import something like 15-25% of our oil from them), but refineries all over the region, including impoverished Caribbean nations, can only refine that kind of oil. It will also quickly take away the incredible amount of money that gives Chavez the power he currently enjoys. A poor, miserable people will only suffer a lunatic for so long. Meanwhile, the US is only really supporting Colombia in all this, so we have to defend them in case of attack assuming no one else comes to their aid prior to war.

Can the US handle another military front? Is Chavez working in tandem with Iran somehow on this to stretch us thinner than we already are? If we get involved with Venezuela, will that tick off OPEC? Stay tuned...

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

What's Your Job Description?

Do you often wonder what your role is in life? In the Church? In a given occupation, there's usually a job description that goes with it. That description may require an individual to have several differing skills that all mesh into one job description. One example is housewife. Some have said that housewives must be an experienced babysitter, educator, counselor, psychologist, nurse, chef, interior designer, gardener, house cleaner, among many other roles. All of these roles fall under the same job description. Most jobs have multiple roles that must be mastered, or at least be proficient in, in order to be successful.

Every once in a while, it's good to review what God's job description is for each of us individually. I Cor. 12 discusses how each of us have various talents, gifts, works and ministries, and yet they all should seamlessly fit together within Christ's body. Sometimes several roles are similar. There are certain roles that all members of the Church have. There are certain skills that ministers, laymembers, or evangelists should have.

However, God loves a diversity of personalities, talents and viewpoints. My job description as a laymember may be much different than another laymember just as one minister may serve a different role in the Church than another minister. A minister's job description is obviously different than a laymember's. One minister may be better at humor and counseling while another may be better at researching history and reading Greek. I happen to be good at logic and computers while someone else may have skills in teaching and music.

The overriding point here is that God has called us for a purpose and He will use and develop the talents that each of us have in the way He needs. Growing up, I noticed that I was fascinated by many topics and have tried to gain understanding and skill in most of these areas. But lately, I notice that only specific talents and abilities are being used in my life. In fact, areas that I have never developed or thought were weaknesses are growing and are being used more and more.

That's not to say that the various talents we have that don't seem to match the "king and priest" job description must be tossed out. For example, I can't possibly see how my love of origami, volleyball and sketch art would fit. But neither could I have seen that my grandfather giving me logic word puzzles when I was 8 would develop my mind to become a computer programmer. Another example is that our love of games and sports teach us how to enjoy fellowship. Music and art teach us order, proportion, style and beauty. Telling stories may make us better speakers. These are in addition to Bible study, prayer, meditation and fasting, which add knowledge, sound mindedness and righteous judgment, among many other things, to our character.

Take stock of the various talents and responsibilities that you have. Then notice what skills you have been developing lately. Note where you've been asked to serve in Church or at work. Check to see if there are any patterns between all these. Read the scriptures to see how your roles coincide with roles in the Bible. God spends a lot of space defining the roles of deacons and elders, of servants (employees) and masters (bosses), of husbands, wives and children, along with the kings, priests, Levites and whole nations. Note the character and qualities of a Christian that Christ describes on the Sermon on the Mount. These are roles and characteristics that God wants us to develop on our job description!

It reminds me of a story that C.S. Lewis wrote in his book Mere Christianity. This isn't a direct quote, but basically states that when we surrender our lives to God, we can use the analogy of fixing up a house. We may be a quaint home that needs some paint, a little foundation work and some sanding here and there. Then all the sudden, God comes in with a sledge hammer and begins knocking down walls. HE wants to build a mansion or add a wing, whereas we were content with what we were. The question remains, are we allowing God to transform us so we can one day match His job description for us?

I believe it is important to know what our job description is because it directs our energy in the right direction. I've sat in a few year-end reviews where my boss told me I had many things to work on, that I wasn't living up to the full job description. Once they were right there in front of me, I could work on them. It became clear what I was supposed to be doing and I became more valuable to my boss and my company as a result.

It is important to note what our job description doesn't include. That's not to say that we don't go out and try to be a profitable servant by doing something benefitial for our boss. But we certainly don't attempt to do our bosses job. That mindset will lead us to criticize our boss and it will set him on edge. And we'll have spent more time thinking about how he should be doing his job (or how we could be doing it) rather than doing our own. II Thes. 3:11 warns against being a busybody which contributes to neglecting work. This doesn't only have to include our workplace, but can include Church and family as well. Rather, do what your job description says to and you will find more peace in your life (v12). V13 states, finally, that we should not be weary in doing well, in hard work. For that is our calling. We should be profitable servants in what we are given to do (Matt. 25).

Finally, it must be understood that as we grow older, wiser and more experienced that our roles in our job description will change. Some will be ordained deacons and ministers. Some will retire. Some will make more money to financially help out the Work and fellow brethren. Others will have more time to pray for the brethren, or prepare food and visit those in need. God may give us the gift of a wife or husband or child. He may take one away from us. As I heard in a post-Feast sermon this last year, God isn't promoting or demoting us, He's simply giving us a different role in the Body of Christ. We are still important and necessary as long as we stay faithful to Him.

All in all, our life's job description is very important in maintaining a right direction, using our energy wisely and preparing us for our future job in God's Kingdom. What we do today has every bit of importance for how we turn out tomorrow. Though our job descriptions may be different, all of us in God's Church have the same objective for our work. Completing the parable of the profitable servant, Matthew 25:34 states that Christ will welcome those who completed His job, "Come, blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world."

This Little Piggy Cleaned the Orchard

Pigs doing their jobs... Amazing. "The little guys moved through like a pack of Hoover vacuums." They were eating rotting apples in order to rid an orchard of a worm and its larvae that, in past years, have been treated by a pesticide. That pesticide is dangerous to the food supply and ground water, so they're phasing it out. In order to find a replacement, one apple-grower has been trying out various animals to rid his orchard of fallen, larvae-filled apples. Apparently, this "innovative" farmer says his grandfather used pigs way back when... "I think if my granddad was alive today and he saw how excited I am about doing this and this information that we're gaining on this," said Koan, "he would just look at me and say, 'Man, you're stupid. You didn't know that?'"

Pass the pork chops, please!