Rachel and I are doing pretty well with parenting so far. And I'm just taking it one day at a time. I'm still sleeping, I just don't expect to get 8-hours, much less consecutive hours of sleep. But it's not bad at all, just different. Rachel gets to nap off and on when Joshua allows her to. In my 3+ weeks of parenting, I can only say that never expecting the same thing helps.
The nice parts about parenting so far are things like the sounds he makes, which are many. I think he'll end up like his old man and do impressions and sound effects... He snorts a lot when he's eating, so that could pose a problem when he's on a date in the future. He's starting to interact a little better now and his eyes don't drift off in every direction like they used to. In fact, he looks at me a little strange when I cross my eyes at him. I had no idea how to hold a baby when he first came, but I had that down after a few days. I felt better when I saw my brothers-in-law doing the same thing... And they had Kevin around as a baby. Kevin looked scared to hold the baby, but then again, so did Peder. "Being an uncle is weird!" Yeah, try being a dad. :)
But overall, it's been fun. A learning experience, sure, but my prior priorities probably could have used some adjusting anyway. They are probably still adjusting. They will probably be adjusting for a long time... Anyway, here's another family photo:

Congratulations Mike and Rachel and Joshua (he deserves some too!).
I found a old sermon by Mr. Dick Armstong about child rearing at:
At one point he talks about a conversation he had recently with Mr. Meredith. The Meredith's had just recently became new paernts themselves. Mr. Meredith gave his friend some encouragement by noting that God is a thoughtful creator. He gives us children that are relatively easy to take care of at first. In this way we can develop our parenting skills as babies turn into toddlers and toddlers into children and children into teenagers and teenagers into young adults ...
The little hairy one looks just like you!
Tell me about it. He's got his daddy's eyes and curly tail.
Thanks, Jake, I'll give that a listen.
Yay! I found the blog! Thanks for coming over last night. We all had a blast. :)
And yes, being a parent WILL change your life ... drastically, but it'll TOTALLY be for the better! Ha ha ha
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