Yeah, we're having it this year... December 27th and 28th. The details can be found here at the site. Please read over the entire announcement since there are a lot of details and potential registration and sign-up forms, especially if you'd like to participate in sports or the card tournament. For those who occasionally monitor this blog and get far more traffic on your own, please feel free to post this info. I'd like to get this out ASAP so we can get a feel on numbers this year.
A few things to note...
Registration: we have a deadline to register by December 7th because we have a deadline with a local hotel, the Comfort Inn, at that time. So those looking for a discounted rate on hotel, this is your opportunity. That and it's the holidays, so who knows how quickly that place could get filled up. But it's just one exit from the meeting hall for all activities, so the convenience can't be beat. If you need housing with brethren, you'll need to register that early, too, so you can ensure that you get a place to stay. It's first come, first serve. Also, please consider, if you're planning on staying more than just Friday and Saturday night, that people do work and it costs money to feed guests. So you might need to check around to different places for additional accommodations for those days beforehand or afterwards.
Payment: Yes, we're asking for money in advance this year. The Lee's Summit Rec Center was completely rebuilt and is much larger, giving us more options in terms of space and activities. However, it has come at a larger price. So in order to pay back those folks who are giving the Church a temporary loan to cover costs, we ask for prompt payment, if you can afford it. $5 is all we ask, up to $25 per family. Payment details are in the announcement.
Sports: Please start talking to your friends about putting together teams now, come up with a catchy name and SIGN-UP! The rule this year is you will not be able to play in the competitive sports if you don't sign up a team. That means 4 people per basketball team and a minimum of 4 people per volleyball team, although 6 is probably preferred. Basically, we want to give our planners and organizers far more time to get a good tournament set up. Also, please sign up for only one competitive sport so there aren't any scheduling problems. The deadline is more lenient than registration, December 18th. If you don't sign up for competitive sports, then we have a spare volleyball court for recreational volleyball, which will just be people jumping on a court and having fun. So if you're a competitive volleyball player, I recommend that you get on a team. :) If you're between basketball games, or out of a tournament, then this is a great option to keep playing. Also, we have the gym all day, so there may be more opportunities to play later in the day if we chose to put together full-court basketball if the numbers work out. But I'm not promising anything just yet... :)
Dance: The dance was just decided today that it will be costume-themed. So dress up! The reason it took so long to figure out is because I was approached by several folks who didn't appreciate some of the costumes in years past. Call them uptight or grouchy but I saw some of the same things... If you're planning on wearing something super tight, revealing, "acceptable by today's standards" or offensive, then I or someone else reserve the right to make you take it off. If we have a good showing, then perhaps I won't be approached again in the future. Sure, someone will always get offended, but we as Christians are supposed to go to certain lengths to make sure that doesn't happen. Thanks for your cooperation in advance with this. A "theme" may come out in the next week or two, but because my creative juices haven't been flowing lately (I threw out "The Kingdom", "The 80s", "People Mr. King Impersonates", and Gary Jones' request of "All Elvis").
Card Tournament: We're trying something new this year to get people involved in a more social activity besides straight fellowship. We're hoping to split the tournament into two smaller tournaments so people can play in one and dance the other half, or talk, or play in both. This may be a good way to meet new people. As of right now, the game is likely 10-point pitch, which even I learned after just a few hands. You'll change partners as you win or lose, meet a bunch of fun people and and have a blast! But if you'd rather dance or chat, so be it...
Children's Activities: We will have them Saturday night and Sunday, for those with 2-12 year olds who might get bored with cards or dancing.
Anyway, spread the word. I'm having Rachel put together a Facebook announcement and there should be a church announcement coming out shortly, too. Yes, we're pretending to be organized this year... :) See you there!